Race seat

Race seat

Kód: 1000717410 / $M-61308947000

Dostupnosť na vyžiadanie

225.30 €

Cena zahŕňa 20% DPH
Searching for the perfect solution for track days and for even more racing genes? The PowerParts race seat supplies you with the following benefits:
  • Fibreglass race seat with approx. 2 cm more seat height
  • Narrower contour for greater freedom of movement, better contact with the fuel tank for more control, easier hanging off
  • A more direct feel for your bike and the road surface
  • An absolute must for every ambitious hobby racer
  • Simple fitting to existing mounting points
  • Neoprene seat cowl pad included


Vhodné pre motocykle

1000091733 F9903N2 1290 SUPERDUKE R BLACK ABS 14
1000091731 F9903N9 1290 SUPERDUKE R ORANGE ABS 14
1000266333 F9903O2 1290 SUPERDUKE R BLACK ABS 15
1000266367 F9903O9 1290 SUPERDUKE R ORANGE ABS 15
1000740759 F9903P0 1290 SUPERDUKE R S.E. ABS 16
1000665724 F9903P2 1290 SUPERDUKE R BLACK ABS 16
1000665726 F9903P9 1290 SUPERDUKE R ORANGE ABS 16
1000754187 F9903Q2 1290 SUPERDUKE R COLOR 2 2017
1000754185 F9903Q9 1290 SUPERDUKE R COLOR 1 2017
1000881663 F9903QL 1290 SUPERDUKE R BLACK B 17
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