Drivetrain kit 12/48

Drivetrain kit 12/48

Kód: 1003029124 / $M-SPAA12U48CC118A

Zvoľte variantu

Antriebssatz FR 12Z/48Z

Kód: 1002358157 / SPAA12U48CC118A Dostupné do 3 - 5 dní

145.45 €

Cena zahŕňa 23% DPH

The drivetrain kit consists of the front (12 tooth) and a black rear sprocket (48 tooth), as well as a DID chain.


Vhodné pre motocykle

1001177710 F8103R4 Freeride 250 F 2018
1001516250 F8103S4 Freeride 250 F 2019
1001666600 F8103T4 Freeride 250 F 2020
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