Adapter and template KHR4

Adapter and template KHR4

Kód: 1000883279 / $M-00029095011

Dostupnosť na vyžiadanie

429.42 €

Cena zahŕňa 20% DPH
Adapter cable and template for performing various electrical measurements on the wiring harness


Vhodné pre motocykle

1000663996 F9703P1 690 DUKE R ABS 2016
1000663998 F9703P3 690 DUKE WHITE ABS 2016
1000664000 F9703P4 690 DUKE ORANGE ABS 2016
1000754167 F9703Q1 690 DUKE R 2017
1000754169 F9703Q3 690 DUKE WHITE 2017
1000754165 F9703Q4 690 DUKE ORANGE 2017
1001607650 F9703R4 690 Duke, orange 2018
1001523691 F9703S4 690 Duke, orange 2019
1001523693 F9703S8 690 Enduro R 2019
1001523695 F9703S9 690 SMC R 2019
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