SX-E 5 Folderposter 2020

SX-E 5 Folderposter 2020

Kód: 1001920528 / $M-20200005XX

Dostupnosť na vyžiadanie

0.00 €

Cena zahŕňa 20% DPH
  • Format: combination of 8-12 page product info with A1 image poster, in Offroad format 280 x 210 landscape - detail specification tbd
  • Content: highlight features of the brandnew E-Mini incl. engine, battery and chassis details, technical table, PG&A focus products and MINI image poster or alike
  • 6 Languages available: DE, EN, FR, NL, ES, IT
  • Packaging unit: 25 pcs. (= minimum order quantity)